Governance & organisation

The Board

ASPIM Board of Directors consists of 14 management companies:

Chairman: Mr Fréderic Bôl - SWISS LIFE REIM (FRANCE)

Vice Chairperson: AEW CILOGER represented by Mrs Isabelle Rossignol

The Treasurer: FIDUCIAL GERANCE represented by Mr Thierry Gaiffe



The other administrators:

  • AVIVA INVESTORS REAL ESTATE France represented by Mr François Grandvoinnet
  • AMUNDI IMMOBILIER represented by Mr Jean-Marc Coly
  • BNP PARIBAS REIM represented by Mrs Sigrid Duhamel
  • FONCIA PIERRE GESTION represented by Mrs Danielle François-Brazier
  • HSBC REIM France represented by Mr Dominique Paulhac,
  • IMMOVALOR GESTION represented by Mr Jean-Pierre Quatrhomme
  • LA FRANCAISE REIM represented by Mr Marc Bertrand
  • PERIAL ASSET MANAGEMENT represented by Mr Eric Cosserat
  • PRIMONIAL REIM represented by Mr Grégory Frapet
  • SOFIDY represented by Mr Jean-Marc Peter
  • UNOFI GESTION D'ACTIFS represented by Mrs Florence Dourdet-Franzoni

Honorary Chairpersons:

  • Mr Patrick de Lataillade - Honorary Chairman
  • Mr Alain Brochard - Honorary Chairman

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of seven members either designated or elected by the administrators

In support of the Chairman and the Chief Executive, the Executive Committee’s mission is to:

  • make sure that decisions of the Board of Directors are implemented;
  • ensure the follow-up and the monitoring of actions of the Association;
  • prepare the positions of the Association

The Executive Committee meets as often as the interest of the Association requires and reports its activities to the Board of Directors.


The General Assembly

In accordance with the articles of association, the ASPIM holds a General Assembly with its members at least once a year to report its activities, present the accounts for the completed fiscal year as well as a set of resolutions.


The committees and working groups

The committees and working groups of ASPIM group together the members. These are meetings involving brainstorming, exchanges and work in which the professionals discuss the subjects around a common project.


The Application Commission

The study of the application of a member is a task entrusted to an Application Commission, composed of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive and, if necessary, any administrator who expressed interest in participating in an Application Commission meeting.

The Application Commission meets each time it interviews the candidates applying for membership. After the hearing, the Commission puts forward the membership file of the candidates to the Board of Directors with its recommendation.


The team

Under the responsibility of the Chief Executive, Véronique Donnadieu, the permanent team consists of :

  • Cyril Karam - Director of legal and fiscal affairs
  • Christophe Kacy - Communication and Press Relations
  • Julien Mauffrey – Director of Survey
  • Naomi Suchod - Office Manager